Express Livestock
A very common question for USA cattle producers is “Who does TH / PHA / DS testing for cattle?”
Express Livestock Genomics is your trusted source for genetic testing! There are very few companies in the USA that actually provide this type of testing and Express Livestock Genomics is proud to be one of the most professional, reliable, and fastest cattle TH / PHA / DS testing firms in the world.
You might also be asking - What is TH in cattle? What is PHA? What is DS? These are common genetic defects found in club calf, Maine Anjou, Shorthorn, Chianina, and other pure and crossbred breeds of cattle.
ELG is here to provide you with the knowledge to make the most informed breeding decision possible in regards to TH, PHA, and DS. Whether you are trying to eradicate the defects from your herd, or utilize the positive attributes the carrier animals can present, Express Livestock Genomics is here to serve you.
Not only are we fast, but we are your best source for consulting on how to use or eradicate these defects in your breeding program. We are staffed by cattleman who are also educated and knowledgeable on the subject matter. Testing is a crucial step in managing these defects. We offer TH / PHA / DS testing results in a convenient, fast, and professional manner and we are here to serve you!
There are only a few companies in the U.S.A that do this type of testing, so the question poses: who gets the fastest results for TH, PHA, and DS tests? Express Livestock Genomics is committed to providing the fastest genetic results in the industry.

226 CR 118 | Sweetwater, TX 79556